A nine-member Board of Directors oversees the management of Apple Canyon Lake by creating rules, regulations, and policies, and hires a General Manager to oversee the day-to-day operations. Community involvement is encouraged through participation in a number of commissions.
The Board is actively engaged in long-range and strategic planning so that its vision best reflects the desires of its owners.
Mission Statement of the Board of Directors
The Apple Canyon Lake Property Owners Association Board of Directors shall act in a fiscally responsible manner, as a fiduciary, while exercising all powers and authority vested in the Association, so as to preserve its values and amenities, and promote health, safety and welfare for the common benefit and enjoyment of its membership while maintaining its not-for-profit status.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors meets in the Association Clubhouse at 9:00 a.m. on the third Saturday of each month. ACLPOA Members are encouraged to attend the meetings.
Members wishing to have an item added to the agenda should submit a request to the General Manager at least two weeks prior to the meeting. (see policy below).
Agenda requests must be received by the General Manager no less than 14 days prior to each scheduled monthly board meeting.
The General Manager and Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Association shall collectively decide the agenda for the monthly board meeting at least 10 days prior to the scheduled meeting.
The monthly agenda, narrative, and supporting documents shall be prepared by the General Manager and mailed to board members not less than seven days prior to each scheduled meeting date.
Items not included on the monthly agenda may be submitted for board discussion at the request of at least two board members. In such an event, no final action will be taken on the item except in case of an emergency or an exigent circumstance.
Adopted: February 19, 2000
Amended: November 15, 2008
Amended: December 6, 2008 per Legal Counsel
Current Board Members:
Nolan Mullen, PresidentWilliam Becker, Vice President
Carmel Cottrell, Treasurer
Laura Pratt, Corporate Secretary
Mark Kosco
Bob Ballenger
Brian Holt
Debra McNamee
Mike Ward
Please see ACLPOA’s Amended and Restated Covenants and Restrictions, Amended and Restated Bylaws, and other governing documents for rules and guidelines governing the Board of Directors. However, the Amended and Restated Covenants and Restrictions were written prior to the Illinois Statutes in the Common Interest Community Association Act (CICAA) which supersedes our own governing documents. The Amended and Restated Bylaws were written to conform to CICAA which became effective July 29, 2010.
The Association continues to align our governing documents with CICAA as amended. This will be an ongoing process.
Documents pertaining to the Board of Directors’ Meetings from the last five years can be viewed below. Documents going back further than five years may be obtained by contacting us.
Commissions & Committees
ACL runs so well due to the generosity of its owners who work on our commissions/committees. Thousands of hours are contributed annually by nearly 200 people, with many serving on more than one group.
All owners are invited to attend any commission/committee meeting. Your commissions/committees are here to address any questions, concerns, or ideas you may have. Please feel free to bring your thoughts to any meeting, or send an email.
There is always room for interested owners on our commissions/committees. You may have expertise or background where your input would be invaluable. If you think you can contribute in any way, please consider filling out a Commission/Committee Application.
Each commission/committee consists of a Chairperson and two or more members and may include a member of the Board of Directors. The Commission/Committee Chair, unless otherwise provided herein, shall be appointed by the Board President and announced to the membership via The Apple Core.
- Architectural and Environmental Control
- Nominating
- Appeals
- Budget/Audit
- Campground
- Conservation
- Deer Management
- Editorial Review
- Golf
- Lake Monitoring
- Legal
- Maintenance
- Recreation
- Rules & Regulations
- Safety & Emergency Planning
- Strategic/Long Range Planning
- Tellers
- Trails
Ad Hoc Commissions
- Board Policy
- Employee Handbook
- Dam Advisory
- Memorial Pavilion
- Zebra Mussel
Governing Documents
Apple Canyon Lake Property Owners’ Association (ACLPOA) is governed by governing documents prepared and approved by the members of the Association.
ACLPOA’s Governing Documents also include the State of Illinois Statutes Governing Homeowner Associations, commonly known as the Common Interest Community Association Act or CICAA. These documents are the benchmark under which all of our Association governing documents are written. However, changes to the state statutes are ongoing; see Applicable State Statues below.
ACLPOA’s Primary Governing Documents remain the same from year to year unless there is a vote and approval of the membership before any changes can be made. However, under Section 1-15 (b) of CICAA “All provisions of the declaration, bylaws, and other community instruments severed by this Act shall be revised by the board of directors independent of the membership to comply with this Act.”
These documents consist of:
1. Articles of Incorporation
2. Amended Declaration to Conform to CICAA (Formerly Restated Covenants and Restrictions)
3. Amended and Restated Bylaws
The Secondary Governing Documents can be changed at any time with those changes going into effect immediately, but require approval by the ACLPOA Board of Directors. These changes go into effect immediately and will be posted on this page as they are made, and added to the following year’s printed publication, also available upon request at the Association office.
These documents include:
1. Rules and Regulations
2. Board Policies
3. Committee Procedures/Mission Statements & Charges
4. Operating Procedures and Programs
5. ACLPOA Building and Environmental Code
- Jo Daviess County Code of Ordinances
- CICAA (Common Interest Community Association Act)
- Illinois Not For Profit Corporation Act of 1986
- Articles of Incorporation
- Amended Declaration to Conform to CICAA (Formerly Restated Covenants and Restrictions)
- Amended and Restated Bylaws
- Building Code
- Board Approved Policies
- Rules & Regulations
- Board Approved Operations & Procedures
Applicable State Statutes:
Additional Association Documents:
- Fishing Regulations
- Energy Policy
- Dispute Resolution Between Owners and the Association Policy
- Social Media Policy
All meetings are conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.